Friday, April 8, 2011

The Blasts

For almost a quarter of a century children toys have been coated in thick white dust scattered through out the streets and building’s floor. Gas masks were also scattered all over the floor, sized for infants. In a town Pripyat a couple miles away from Chernobyl was severely damaged from the nuclear winds of the explosions. Japan has thoughts of Pripyat and is struggling with its own nuclear crisis in Fukushima. Now the deserted city is dead, with buses for a lightning tour, it has radiation dosimeters, hand wipes and water to decontaminate and clean off their shoes when leaving. Both governments have lost billions of dollars in costs for different things.
I think that if a country is going to have numerous nuclear plants that they should have better safety plans. And in case of an emergency they should have already a planned out area to evacuate the residents that live there in the radius of however many miles. Because the two major disasters from many nuclear reactors exploding, the country needs to make the changes for the safety of their citizens. The disasters have cost many peoples’ lives, spend a lot in repairs, and destroyed the economy along with the other countries’ as well.

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